When my youngest son was little, he used to look up at the sky, see rays of light, and say, "Mom, look. Angels."
"Yes. And did you know they live down here, too? Like you, for example. You're an angel."
"Mah-am," and then later at night, "Tell me about how I'm an angel again?"
I even went so far as to take him to a photo shoot and put wings on him which is the cutest picture, but I'm not sure he's forgiven me for yet for that.
When I said "yes" to this assignment called A Crazy Thought, I had no idea what the Universe had in store for me. I had a few of my initial interviews try to talk me out of it. I think they realized what we may be up against. But I also initially had some really strong supporters that kept me from backing out. They gave not only their money gifts and encouragement, but also a belief in the vision I was holding. They were earth angels who stepped in at just the right times to make this vision for a new world of youth mental health (and thus subsequent generations moving forward) manifest. They are the spirit of Team ACT.
One after another angel has stepped in at this perfect timing space. It's so divinely orchestrated. Stepping into crowdfunding, and to the A Crazy Thought movement in general, has changed me. A transformation has taken place in my heart as I've leaned into the synchronicities and held gratitude for each of my earth angel encounters. I've always been a big believer in those, but this experience next leveled that belief and through me into a vortex so spinny with goodness I could barely keep my grounding.
Along the way there have been twists and turns in the road, and a few naysayers, or simply people who have gone dark. They aren't the ones I would have suspected would do that, but nothing like crowdfunding to show you the true nature of those surrounding you in your inner circles. We are all in process. These few, though, are countered 1,000 times over by these earth angels that I'm describing. This is where I choose to place my energy. When I see them, I'm energized and excited about the possibilities of humanity...of what we can do together.
I will never crowdfund again in my life, but at the same time, I would not have traded this experience for anything. I guess life goes like that sometimes. Things aren't always easy and experiences can feel overwhelming. When you come out on the other side, you've learned lessons and skills that have stretched you. These new gifts can then be shared with the world. As Ram Dass says, "We're all just walking eachother home." Love Ram.
From the start, my Spirit-driven vision has been to shift the landscape of mental health to build a world that works for everybody. I have seen so much potential fall to waste, not because it is what it is (which is such a cop out sometimes), but because of the larger landscape in general which WE CAN replant. That's been the vision. To pull together this gardening team in the form of storytellers...to tell stories of moms, teachers, dads, grandmas, and young people themselves that are trying to navigate this weedy garden we've given them.
To them, I say this: I know sometimes it feels overwhelming. I really do. I've been in that space. And, there are so many exciting things happening right now to change the story. You're not alone. Cutting edge science and research excite me more every day. I see more and more understanding of brain illness each day and how to close the gap between first signs and treatment. NEVER give up. We're still a long way from where we need to be, but we're heading in that direction, and there is something now you can find to help you. That's true, even when it feels like there's not.
Team ACT is on a mission to spread hope and help, to step up education at all levels in a quick and meaningful way, to be inclusive (instead of silo-ish and exclusive for petty agendas), and most importantly, to share stories of people beyond their labels and how they live in the world facing the challenges they face.
In this way, we hope we can be angels for somebody else.
Find out more about Team ACT: www.supportacrazythought.com